ESM ArcSight plugins – how to

Step 3 – add the Java class

Now it is time to add a new Java class to the project. Choose the menu item “New -> File -> Class”:

Specify the class name “HelloWorld” and press the button “Add…” to add an implemented class interface. We are looking for the “ICustomEventHandler”:

Press “OK” and the IDE will generate the class:

Some code was added to demonstrate that the plugin works:

public void onPrePersist(List<ISecurityEvent> events) {
		for(Iterator<ISecurityEvent>i = events.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
			ISecurityEvent event =;
			if(event.getName().startsWith("Hello!")) {
				event.setDeviceCustomString1("Hello world!");


Now do some cleanup: delete the Java class template ( that was created automatically. The project should look like the picture below:

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